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Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's a Market Out there

Breastfeeding moms are rapidly becoming a huge market. Aside from the staple breastfeeding clothes, lingerie and accessories, there has been an amazing variety of products targeted towards the nursing mom. I first posted about innovative breastfeeding accessories in July 2009 and since then, I have discovered more breastfeeding related items enough to come up with a second post (coincidentally, 1 year after!).

1. Nursing Toys from Manhattan Toy Company
Nursing Nuna Pig, Nursing Nina Cat, and Nursing Nana Dog are the names of stuffed toy animals from the Manhattan Toy Company. Each set comes with 1 mommy animal with their younglings attached to them through a magnet. Fun for toddlers!

2. Bebe Gloton
A controversial breastfeeding doll Bebe Gloton is also available. Launched in 2009, this doll mimicked resulted in an uproar. It came with a halter top with flowers that little girls can wear. The doll will then "latch" on the flower and make sucking sounds. Advocates were happy and thought that it promoted that breastfeeding was healthy, natural while critics believed that it promoted the sexualization of girls. It's only available in Spain. Personally, I don't see what's wrong with the doll. Naima nurses her 2 babies - only her babies are quiet and don't make sucking sounds. I would buy it if it were locally available.

3. Milk-analyzer for moms!
Milkscreen from Upspring Baby is like breathalyzer for nursing moms. From the website: "milkscreen is a simple, two minute test to detect alcohol in breastmilk. milkscreen lets Mom know the volume of alcohol concentrated in her breastmilk." So how does it work? You put breastmilk on the milkscreen strip. Color will change of alcohol concentration in your breastmilk is 0.02%. Why that level? Because according to milkscreen makers, "studies have shown infants consuming breast milk with alcohol concentrations at approximately 30mg/dl, or 0.03%, and higher have exhibited distinctive changes in feeding and sleeping behavior.

I am an avid fan of mommy bargain shopping sites and every month, one form of nursing bracelet, necklace or band always comes up. The bracelet or bands were usually used as a reminder - for moms who forgot which breast they nursed at last. In my case, I never wore any band/bracelet but checked the primitive way - I weigh both breasts in my hands to determine which breast is heavier. Meanwhile, nursing necklaces are to distract babies from twiddling or to keep babies attention to nursing. At 2.5, Naima is still a twiddler!! I wonder if this habit could've been curtailed had I worn one of those nursing necklaces early on? There are also some necklaces meant for teething babies - both for moms and babies to wear!

This is not simply a towel - it's supposed to bring therapeutic relief by providing support and relief to breastfeeding moms. According to the website, it's "made of the softest, most luxurious knit terry velour to provide expectant ant new moms with gentle bust line support and to sooth sensitive nipples and breasts associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding." I don't know about you but in the early days of my breastfeeding experience, I'd scream if anything touched my sore sensitive nipples. This probably won't make it in my "pack in the hospital bag" list.

6. Breast-shaped plushies
I can't remember where I found this website but I found their Japanese breast shaped toys! The toys even had a village and their own language. Check the site for details.

7. Cold Drinks for Nursing Mamas
Forget about those malunggay or fenugreek teas for increasing breastmilk production. Glow Mama and Mamatini promise to be drinks especially for moms. Endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association (wow! there is such an association?!) Glow Mama is targeted towards the pregnant or new mom as a low calorie drink, packed with essential pre and post natal nutrients made from kiwi (yum! i love kiwi). Meanwhile, pediatrician-designed Mamatini is geared for the nursing mom and claims to help moms breastfeed better by boosting milk supply, increasing energy and increasing mom's ability to absorb and retain critical nutrients the body is using to produce milk for baby.

There is one more doctor-designed product which I chanced upon - a breastpump attachment for preemies which works with the major breastpump brands. But I can't seem to find it anymore. Will update this post once I do. See number 8.

Finally found the pump attachment I was looking for. I was referring to the Freemie - not exactly made for preemies only but was developed by a mom-physician, Dr. Stella Dao who had preemie twins. The Freemie is a breastpump attachment which works with Hyygeia and Medela pumps and allows moms to pump handsfree, without being exposed. With the Freemie, you get rid of the pump horns and attach the Freemie domes directly to your breastpump. However, there are certain situations where Freemie use is not advisable.

So which product will you buy?
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